Policy advocacy is our serious business.
Count on our strong and credible voice to make Hong Kong a better place for business.


Your Say, Our Voice. We have made more than 250 detailed submissions to the Government over the past decade, to advise on business-related policies and legislations for a more vibrant business environment.

Research Report

Getting the latest information and insights is the key to seize the opportunities. An in-depth and forward-looking research report can map out the direction and gear you up for future challenges.

FHKI Representative in LegCo

Through a seat elected through the Industrial (First) functional constituency, FHKI representative actively participates in the Legislative Council for promoting Hong Kong’s industrial and business development. Currently, FHKI representative in LegCo is the Hon Andrew Leung.

FHKI Representatives in External Bodies

FHKI has more than 50 representatives in the Government, important public and consultation bodies to speak on behalf of the industries and contribute to the society.

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